Councils and Board

Board of Directors

The main responsibilities of the Board of Directors are available in the Internal Rules of the Board, which can be accessed by clicking here.

As of today, the Board of Directors have the following composition:

Name Position Recommendation Independent Elected in Substitute
José Mauro Mettrau Carneiro da Cunha Chairman of the Board of Directors Novonor No 29/04/2024 -
José Henrique Azeredo Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Petrobras No 29/04/2024 Marcos Antônio Zacarias
Carlos Plachta Member of the Board of Directors Petrobras Yes 29/04/2024 Daniel Pereira de Albuquerque Ennes
André Amaro da Silveira Member of CA Novonor No 29/04/2024 -
Gesner José de Oliveira Filho Member of the Board of Directors Novonor Yes 29/04/2024 -
Héctor Nuñez Member of the Board of Directors Novonor No 29/04/2024 Guilherme Simões de Abreu
João Pinheiro Nogueira Batista Member of the Board of Directors Novonor No 29/04/2024 -
Danilo Ferreira da Silva Member of the Board of Directors Petrobras No 29/04/2024 Lineu Fachin Leonardo
Juliana Sá Vieira Baiardi Member of the Board of Directors Novonor No 29/04/2024 -
Roberto Faldini Member of the Board of Directors Novonor No 29/04/2024 -
Paulo Roberto Britto Guimarães Member of the Board of Directors Petrobras Yes 29/04/2024 Rodrigo Tiradentes Montecchiari

Executive Management

The main responsibilities of the Executive Management are available in the Internal Rules of the Executive Management, which can be accessed by clicking here.

As of today, the Executive Management have the following composition:

Name Position Elected in
Roberto Bischoff Chief Executive Officer 05/08/2024
Pedro van Langendonck Teixeira de Freitas Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relation Officer 05/08/2024
Marcelo de Oliveira Cerqueira Officer with no specific designation 05/08/2024
Edison Terra Filho Officer with no specific designation 05/08/2024
Marcelo Arantes de Carvalho Officer with no specific designation 05/08/2024
João Henrique Rittershaussen Officer with no specific designation 05/08/2024

Fiscal Council

The main responsibilities of the Fiscal Council are available in the Internal Rules of the Fiscal Council, which can be accessed by clicking here.

As of today, Braskem’s Fiscal Council is composed by the following members:

Name Position Elected in Substitute
Henrique Jager President of the Council 29/04/2024 Caio Cesar Ribeiro
Gilberto Braga Member of the Council 29/04/2024 Tatiana Macedo Costa Rêgo
Ismael Campos de Abreu Member of the Council 29/04/2024 Ivan Silva Duarte
Roberto dos Santos Rodrigues Member of the Council 29/04/2024 Jeferson Gustavo Salerno
Daniel André Stieler Member of the Council 29/04/2024 Patrícia Valente Stierli


Braskem’s Committees are part of the Company’s Corporate Governance structure and their purpose is to advise and assist the Board in pre-established matters.

Mr. Paulo Cicero was elected as an effective member of the Company’s Fiscal Council on April 26, 2023, he has been appointed by the shareholder Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras. Mr. Paulo Cicero has been a Petrobras employee since 2005, where he has served in several positions, such as: Coordinator of Business Segmentation and Country Corporate Reporting; Accounting Manager of the SP Regional Office; Equity Accounting Manager; Manager of Accounting Standards and Planning; and Manager of Digitalization Optimization of Accounting and Tax Processes. He currently holds the position of Accounting and Tax Manager for E&P Partnerships. He was a member of the Fiscal Council (effective and alternate) in several companies, and his last mandate was in the Companhia Pernambucana de Gás – COPERGÁS, as effective director until July 2022. Mr. Paulo Cicero has 29 years of experience in accounting and tax processes, of which he has held management and leadership positions for 17 years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting, and an MBA in Accounting Management. Mr. Paulo Cicero does not hold a management position in any third-sector organization.

The following are Standing Committees of Braskem’s Board:

Finance and Investment Committee - CFI

The Finance and Investment Committee monitors and analyzes the policies in effect related to guarantees, financial management, investments, dividends and interest on capital stock and securities trading. It is also responsible, among other issues, for recommending investment decisions and for monitoring the Company’s financial strategy and the performance of Braskem’s shares in the capital Markets.

To access the Internal Regulations of the Finance and Investment Committee – CFI, click here.

The current structure of the CFI is as follows:

CFI – Finance and Investment Committee Position Independent
João Pinheiro Nogueira Batista (Committee Coordinator) Board Member No
Héctor Nuñez Board Member No
José Henrique Azeredo Board Member No
Rodrigo Tiradentes Montecchiari Substitute member No
Strategy, Communication and ESG Committee - CECESG

The Strategy, Communication and ESG Committee constantly evaluates the definitions for Braskem’s strategic direction in its different business lines, ensuring compliance with the sustainable development guidelines adopted by the Company, the basis for the Company’s business plan. Additionally, among its competencies, the CECESG accompanies the corporate policies in effect regarding disclosure of information, sustainable development and Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Productivity, in addition to monitoring and evaluating Braskem’s initiatives regarding corporate sustainability and ESG standards.

To access the Internal Regulations of the Strategy, Communication and ESG Committee – CECESG, click here.

The current structure of the CECESG is as follows:

CECESG – Strategy, Communication and ESG Committee Position Independent
José Mauro Mettrau Carneiro da Cunha  (Committee Coordinator) Board Member No
André Amaro da Silveira Board Member No
Paulo Roberto Britto Guimarães Board Member No
People and Organization Committee - CPO

The role of the CPO is to monitor and review policies related to People and Organization. Additionally, among its duties, the CPO monitors the strategic projects related to people, as well as the parameters and criteria presented by the Company’s board of directors for the compensation of the Managers.

To access the Internal Regulations of the People and Organization Committee – CPO, click here.

The current structure of the CPO is as follows:

CPO – People and Organization Committee Position Independent
Danilo Ferreira da Silva (Committee Coordinator) Board Member No
Juliana Sá Vieira Baiardi Board Member No
Guilherme Simões de Abreu Substitute Member No
Statutory Compliance and Audit Committee - CCAE

The Company’s Statutory Compliance and Audit Committee is in compliance with CVM Resolution 23/2021 and the rules of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SoX) and has, among its main duties, to ensure the follow-up of Braskem’s internal controls and exposure to risks, in addition to supervising the quality and integrity of the financial statements and financial reports, the activities of the independent auditors regardless of the attributions conferred to the Fiscal Council.

To access the Internal Regulations of the Compliance and Statutory Audit Committee – CCAE, click here.

The current structure of the CCAE is as follows:

CCAE – Statutory Compliance and Audit Committee Position Independent
Gesner José de Oliveira (Committee Coordinator) Board Member Yes
Roberto Faldini Board Member Yes
Carlos Plachta Board Member Yes
José Écio Pereira da Costa Junior External Member Yes
Maria Helena Pettersson External Member Yes

The members of the CCAE complied with the independence of CVM Resolution No. 23, of February 25, 2021

To access the summarized resume of External Members of CCAE, click here.